Buzzing along woods and meadows

Buzzing along woods and meadows

One day, during her daily buzzing around, Fluffball the bee finds herself in the kitchen of Sophie’s home, and the two immediately become close friends. The little bee starts telling tales of her adventures, while Sophie is drawing, revealing important secrets. Do you know the difference between a bee and a wasp? Or what do bees do during the winter? Or have you ever been told by a honeymaker, how honey is being made, before it gets into the Sophie tummy? If your answer is yes to all of these questions, but you want to hear some more exciting stories, listen to how Fluffball escaped the pack of lizards, and even some frogs. Some friends of the bees are also mentioned, and if you are convinced that bees can be even better friends than pups, you can learn how you can become their best friend. T he successful author, Adél Várszegi, presents both the colourful nature and the importance of the world of the bees, and the illustrations of Dorottya Szert-Szabó capture the eyes of children and adults alike.


Kiadás éve:
Adél Várszegi
5 490 Ft4 941 Ft
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